All athletes are welcome. Including natural competitors


All athletes will be scored on the following criteria (See attached judging score sheet):

1) Muscular Development(1-5pts)
2) Muscular Proportion(1-5pts)
3) Conditioning(1-3pts)
4) Posing(1-4pts)
5) General Appearance(1-3)


Once judges complete scores for every athlete in each of these categories they will also be required to
arrange the athletes by their placing. 1 = 1 st , 2= 2 nd , 3=3 rd , etc.

Scores from each of the 5 criteria will be added up with a perfect score =20 points. Placings and scores
will be tallied separately but both will be factored into final placing.

The top 3 athletes in each category will be awarded and the remaining athletes will receive participation
awards. All scores and placings will be posted at  in a timely manner.


Stage Performance

The following categories will be required to perform an individual routine:
1) Women’s Bodybuilding
2) Men’s Bodybuilding
3) Men’s Classic Physique

Individual routines will not exceed 60 seconds for amateur competitors and 90 seconds for professional.
competitors. Athletes may provide their own music to the DJ in advance (details to follow) or the DJ will
play a song of their own selection. No profanity will be tolerated in any music. Failure to adhere to this
will result in athlete disqualification from the competition.

All athletes must remain on the stage during routines and pose downs.

All other categories will be required to perform an I-walk. An I-walk consists of the following:
 A competitor will walk alone to the back center stage and complete front-facing pose of choice
 A competitor will then walk to the front center stage and perform quarter (1/4) turns, ending in an
appropriate stage stance facing the judges and then proceed to the side of the stage as directed
General Appearance

General appearance is a factor in your overall score. Time and attention to personal grooming should
be evident.

Jewelry: Men are not permitted to wear jewelry other than a wedding band or small religious symbol.
Women may wear jewelry.

General Information

Tanning: NO DREAM TAN will be allowed. It is highly recommended that you use a professional spray
tanning service for your show day tan.

Suit: All posing suits for both men and women will be subject to prior inspection. 
No large logos will be permitted. 
Proper fitting of the posing suit is required. Excessively baggy suits and thongs are not permitted.

portsmanship: All participants including athletes, coaches, and spectators must conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times. This includes but is not limited to, on stage, backstage, in the audience, and on social media platforms before, during, and after the competition. Athletes may be disqualified and/or removed from the contest for the actions of themselves and their coaches. No refunds will be given for any disqualified athlete or coach or any spectator who is asked to leave.

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